Available Forktrucks

We can supply any type of forktruck and handling equipment that your business may require. Our comprehensive range of contacts located nationwide can help us to source forktrucks new and used, that reach a high standard and can be obtained for you, at a competitive price.

As we are an independent company, we are able to source much more freely, giving us much more flexibility to suit your requirements. Our experienced team can give you excellent advice on what type of forktruck will suit your business's requirements, We feel this helps us to stand out from the rest and offer a service that no other company can and are proud to do so.

Please contact us with your make and model requirements if you have a specific fork truck you are looking for, or if you would like to receive advice or information on what we can recommend to suit your requirements.

Baoli KBD25 

  • 2018 
  • Triplex Mask
  • Diesel 


Nissan MA01L10N

  • Electric 
  • 3564 Hours
  • duplex mask


Baoli KBD15

  • Electric 
  • Side Shift
  • 2018 


Puma FD30-3

  • Diesel
  • 3 Ton
  • 1998 


